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Bryn CelynPrimary School

Dream. Believe. Achieve.

Early Years

Croeso i Flynyddoedd Cynnar

(Meithirn a Derbyn)


Welcome to Early Years

(Nursery and Reception)


Early Years Staff


Class Teacher: Mrs Gray-Thomas and Miss Bell

Higher Level Teaching Assistant: Miss J. Dawe

Teaching Assistants: Mrs Hutchinson, Mrs Painter and Mrs Matthews

1:1 Teaching Assistant: Miss Jones


If you ever have any concerns or questions then please feel free to speak to a member of staff or phone us and we will always help in any way that we can.

Class Information


Book bags

Please could book bags be sent into school on a Thursday and new books will be sent home on a Friday along with key words and any home activities.


Snack money

We ask parents for a contribution of £1.50 per week towards the cost of snack. The children have a healthy snack every day e.g,  fruit, yogurts, cheese and crackers, cereal and toast. The money also goes towards the cost of additional food for celebrations and parties.



Please could Reception pupils come to school dressed in their P.E Kit every Friday. This could take place inside or outside so please make sure your child is wearing trainers.


Starting good attendance patterns from an early age in Nursery and continuing throughout Primary School will help your child later on in their life. 


Try your best to be an 'Attendance Hero'.


Spring Term 1 - 2022   


This half term our context for learning is 'Proud to be Welsh'. The pupils have decided through 'Pupil Voice' that they would like to learn about Welsh Castles, Welsh food, Daffodils and Welsh Dragons. 

We will also be learning about Winter, St Dwynwen's Day, Chinese New Year and Valentines Day. 


Our Role Play area for this half term will be a Castle.


Please see the Parent Overview for more information.


Spring Term 2 and Summer Term 1 - 2022   


Our context for learning is 'Tomorrows World - Fairytales'. The pupils have decided through 'Pupil Voice' that they would like to learn about The 3 Little Pigs, The 3 Billy Goats Gruff and The Gingerbread Man. We will be learning about materials, completing lots of different STEM activities, the problems we face with litter and recycling, what we need to grow grass seeds and healthy eating.


For the last two weeks of the term we will be learning about the Queens Platinum Jubilee. We will be learning about where the Queen lives, her pets, planning a healthy tea party to celebrate, making lots of lovely creations for her, teaching her how to describe the weather in Welsh and reading and discussing lots of lovely stories about her.


We will also be learning about and celebrating Spring, Mothers Day and Easter.


Our Role Play area for this half term will be a House (Y Ty), we will add lots of different resources to our role play area weekly to link it to our learning. Our Outdoor Role Play area will be a Flower Shop fit for the Queen!


Please see the Parent Overview for more information.

Parent Communication



Visit our twitter feed and see the amazing things we have been learning about

Please follow us on Twitter @BrynCelynPrm.



If you would like to receive updates about your child's learning you can download the free SeeSaw app on to your phone. If you need any help with this then please just ask a member of staff.


It is also a quick way to let you know about any upcoming events.



Please make sure you download the 'Schoop' app. Here you will receive all communication from the school such as newsletters, consent forms and important information from your class teacher.




Breakfast club

  If you would like your child to attend please drop them off between 8:30-8:45am in the main school hall. You will need to see Miss Young about this before you start attending, to complete a form.



The children are encouraged to maintain good hygiene whilst in school and will be washing their hands on a regular basis.

Google Classroom

See instruction video below. Please email if you would like help to log in

Student View Google Classroom - Basic Intro

Google Classroom is a collaboration tool for teachers and pupils. Your teacher has created an online classroom and invited your child to the class or sent a code out via School. As well as using Google Classroom to complete tasks within school – they will create and assign homework tasks via Google Classroom too! Your child has their own username and password - they can access Google Classroom via the internet on any device. This video is basic introduction to the Student's View of Google Classroom.
