Autumn Term 2023
In Year 1 Class teachers are Mrs Wallis and Mrs Perrins.
Our Learning Support Assistant is Miss Rachman
We are all looking forward to an exciting term ahead.
Class Information
Breakfast Club
Breakfast club is in the hall each morning between 8.30 - 8.45. If you would like your child to attend please complete an application form with Mrs Fairbrother.
If you would like your child to receive snack, please pay £1.25 weekly or 25p per day.
P.E is every Monday, please send your child to school wearing their PE kit.
Learning at home.
We will send a reading book home on Wednesday each week. It is vitally important to read with your child every day to develop their fluency and confidence. Please return their book on Tuesday to be changed.
We will send a homework sheet with a variety of activities for you to complete with your child. There will key words that will help support their reading.
It is vitally important that your child attends school every day in order to achieve their full potential. It is equally important that your child arrives at school on time. It helps them to settle in to the day and missing valuable learning time.
If for any reason your child is absent, please notify school office straight away.
After school Clubs
There are lots of exciting clubs for your child to join after school.
Online Safety
Always remember to stay safe online. Here are some things to remember.
Foundation Phase Learning
The children are at the centre of their own learning. We start each context by asking the children to share their ideas about what they would like to know and how they would like to learn about it. 'Pupil voice' then generates lots of exciting 'Busy Bee' jobs that the children complete each day as part of their independent learning.
Autumn 1
A more Equal Wales
Our learning this term will focus on learning about ourselves and our families, looking at Diversity and Children's Rights. We will be celebrating Harvest.
Social Media
Don't forget to follow us on Twitter @BrynCelynPrm
Seesaw is a way for us to share your child's learning in school and also provies home learning activities.
Please join to see all your child's amazing work. Look out for some exciting games and activities to play together at home.
If you need a code to log in please email school at