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Latest isolation advice - 5 days isolation

Important changes to the Self Isolation Rules from Friday 28th January 2022

What does this mean?

From Friday January 28, the legally required isolation period in Wales for all those who test positive for Covid-19, including children, will be reduced from seven full days to five. The first full day of isolation is the day after the onset of symptoms or the day after a positive test if a person is asymptomatic. 

These changes also apply to anyone who is in isolation now

To leave isolation, you will need to take an LFT on day 5 and remain in isolation until you have two consecutive negative results, 24 hours apart. The earliest someone would be able to leave isolation is on day six after a second negative lateral flow test. 

See the example below:

Tested positive/developed symptoms on 28th Jan – This is day 0 of isolation

29th Jan     day 1 of isolation

30th Jan     day 2 of isolation

31st Jan     day 3 of isolation

1st Feb       day 4 of isolation

2nd Feb      day 5 of isolation         

Take your first LFT test

3rd Feb       day 6 of isolation.

Take a second LFT (24 hours after first on one day 5    


If the LFTs on day 5 and 6 are negative, you can end isolation. If not, keep testing daily (24 hours apart) until you get two negative LFTs.


On day 11, you can end isolation even if you are still testing positive. In this example, day 11 would be Feb 8th.
